What We Do

In working towards achieving inclusive and sustainable Community Development in community we serve, UDESO is striving to;

1. Promoting poverty reduction in rural areas.

UDESO believes that one critical factor in poverty reduction is creating sustainable livelihoods. This can be achieved through providing entrepreneurship education and help community to proactively to participate in income generating activities, investing in education and skills training, particularly for women in the region. Eradicating poverty is a complex challenge, but it is not insurmountable. By empowering individuals, promoting inclusive economic growth, addressing inequality, and leveraging the power of technology, we believe that we can create a society where everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential and live a life of dignity.

2. Promoting improvement of Health Services, Water supply & Sanitation

We work to improve access to healthcare services, promote preventive measures, and raise awareness about public health issues. We are part in fighting against pandemics and epidemic diseases through providing health education about transmission and prevention measures of HIV/ AIDS and Malaria through providing and participating in educational workshops on hygiene, nutrition, and disease prevention. In collaboration and partnership with health stakeholders, CSOs and Community we work effective to improve healthcare by promoting provision of good and affordable health services in the region. Good example is in 2022 UDESO in collaboration and partnership with Foundation for Civil Society (FCS) and Community has implemented Public Expenditure Tracking System (PETS) project focusing on condition of healthcare services in Usevya health center, Mbede dispensary and Kibaoni health center. Again in 2022 UDESO has worked collaboratively with Sikika to collect data related to HIV/AIDS service improvement, Malaria prevention, TB treatment and service improvement as well as COVID-19 vaccine provision. The more the community have access to clean and safe water supply as well as sanitation the more the community become free from some epidemic and pandemic diseases. Hence while we work to promote improved health services, we also promote community access to clean and safe water supply and sanitation. however, access to quality health services remains a challenge for many in the region. Individual awareness on health issues creates barriers to healthy food, safe environments, and preventive care. We believe that promoting and advocating for policies that ensure improved health service to the community and promote health equity is crucial for creating a healthier society.

3. Supporting education improvement, Youth Empowerment and Digital transformation in rural areas.

In one hand, UDESO works collaboratively with the government, education stakeholders and community to ensure all children in the region have access to quality education, regardless of their gender, race, background or socioeconomic status. We engaged in providing scholarships and financial aid to help students overcome financial barriers, offering after-school programs that support academic achievement, skill development, and social engagement to students and promoting literacy programs for adults and children. Furthermore, through School Connectivity Project, UDESO in partnership with The Basic Internet Foundation, Vodacom Foundation and African Child Projects have supplied IT devices, tablets, and desktop computers to some secondary schools of Mlele DC, Mpimbwe DC and Mpanda MC. The project aims to connect the unconnected in order to improve the access to internet, information sharing and help students to achieve their potentials. Through tablets Students are expected to access online educational materials through E-Learning App while teachers use E-Learning App to extract online subject materials for teaching. Desktop computers are used by students to study ICT in order to reach their potentials in ICT subjects. Students from schools benefited by School Project have increased passion to learn ICT subjects. Also, UDESO provide consultancy services i.e., providing HIV/AIDS awareness to the Communities and providing Environmental Education to the Communities. In other hand we creating a safe space for young people to scale up their skills, connect and socialize as well. Through our center of Mpimbwe Digital & Services Center UDESO offers a free training on Basic Computer Application to students, young people and community around Mpimbwe DC.

4. Promoting Human Rights, Good Governance & Capacity Building.

UDESO as CSO dedicated to foster Community Development is responsible to promote creation of safe and secure communities for all by addressing human rights violations including but not limited Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Violence Against Child (VAC) and promoting the consideration of rights of People with Disability (PWD), women and children in the region. We value every contribution aiming to promote community development. Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Violence Against Children (VAC) have been remained the systemic issues for long time. UDESO believes that sustainable development will be achieved when gender equality is maintained within the community. In Katavi region, Gender Based Violence and Violence Against Child have been mentioned as reasons behind for women to be dependent to men, girls fail to reach their potentials also setbacks in achieving society of equality. Actively we get involved ourselves in raising awareness about GBV and VAC through workshops, community events, and media campaigns; providing support services to survivors, such as counseling, legal aid, and safe shelters; advocating for stronger laws and policies to protect women, children and People with Disability; promoting gender equality and positive masculinity norms; supporting programs that empower women and girls economically and socially and lastly, working with schools and communities to prevent violence against children. We promoting good governance in the community we serve. We advocate for transparency and accountability so that to make sure there is Improved Social Services, Stronger Democracy and Reduced Poverty. These are achieved through discouraging corruption meanwhile encouraging citizen involvement and participation in development activities and government decision-making. In partnership with development stakeholders, other CSOs and government, UDESO we are working collaboratively to support capacity building and awareness creation to the community we serve. Tracing Pamoja Tuwalee Project, we facilitated Capacity Building to the community on Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Violence Against Child (VAC), through Shared Resource Joint Solution project we create awareness to the community on Gender Equality based on existing resources within the community. Also, through Public Expenditure Tracking System (PETS) and Audit Accountability Initiative (AAI) projects UDESO have able to facilitate capacity building to the communities on Public Tracking System (PETS) and Community Score Cards that is essential in promoting human rights, accountability and good governance as well

5. Promoting Environmental Conservation.

We dedicated to being environment’s champion by promoting Environmental Conservation through provision of environmental conservation education to the community we serve. Supporting the development of renewable energy sources and promoting energy efficiency, providing agricultural education to farmers about sustainable agriculture practices that minimize environmental impacts, organizing tree-planting initiatives and promoting reforestation efforts helps to reduce adverse impact to our environment. UDESO empowers communities to protect their natural environment by promoting sustainable practices and fostering a sense of environmental stewardship. Our aim is to achieve resilient community to climate change through encouraging community resilience to climate change. This can be achieved by discouraging environmental destruction and pollution in the region. Also, promoting eco-friendly habits that will help people find ways to live more lightly in the region, like using less energy or recycling more By doing so we expect to see a healthier community and environment with good vegetation cover and undegraded soil, happy habitats for wildlife as well as sustainable future that will help future generation to meet their demands sustainably