How We Work

In insuring Community wellbeing, UDESO works alongside communities to create positive change and we achieve this by:


We partner with government institutions, local authorities (LGAs), civil society organizations (CSOs), community-based organizations (CBOs), and other development stakeholders.

Capacity Building

We equip LGAs, CBOs, and communities with the knowledge and skills they need for social and economic progress.

Moreover, through Advocacy and Lobbying, UDESO advocates for

Human Rights and Equality

 We believe everyone deserves to live a life free from discrimination and violence. We promote and protect human rights for all, with a particular focus on:

    • Gender Equality: We advocate for equal opportunities and rights for women and girls. This includes addressing harmful practices like gender-based violence (GBV) and ensuring women have access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities.
    • Violence Against Children (VAC): Children are especially vulnerable to abuse and exploitation. We work to prevent VAC and ensure children have access to safe spaces and support services.
    • Empowering Disadvantaged Groups: We prioritize the well-being of disadvantaged groups, including women, children, youth, and elders. This may involve advocating for policies that support their specific needs and providing them with access to resources and services.
Community Health and Wellbeing.

We recognize that good health is essential for a thriving community. We advocate for:

    • Accessible and Affordable Healthcare: Everyone deserves access to quality healthcare, regardless of their income level. We work to ensure communities have access to medical services and promote preventative healthcare practices.
    • Reproductive Health: We believe everyone has the right to make informed choices about their sexual and reproductive health. We advocate for access to family planning services, education on sexual health, and safe childbirth practices.
    • HIV/AIDS Awareness and Prevention: HIV/AIDS continues to be a major public health concern. We promote awareness campaigns, encourage testing and treatment, and fight stigma associated with the disease.
    • Sanitation Management: Proper sanitation is essential for preventing the spread of disease. We advocate for improved sanitation facilities and hygiene practices in communities.
Climate Action

The effects of climate change are already being felt around the world. We work to promote climate resilience by supporting:

    • Sustainable Water use and Management: Water scarcity is a growing problem due to climate change. We advocate for practices that conserve water and promote sustainable water use.
    • Environmental Protection: We support initiatives that protect our natural resources and promote environmental sustainability. This may involve advocating for policies that combat deforestation, reduce pollution, and mitigate the effects of climate change.
Empowering Individuals

We believe everyone has the potential to succeed. We foster self-reliance among youth, women, small-scale farmers, and people with disabilities by providing training in:

    • Income Generation: We offer training programs that equip individuals with the skills they need to start their own businesses or find sustainable employment.
    • Vocational Skills: We provide training in various vocational skills that are relevant to the local job market. This can help individuals improve their employment opportunities and increase their earning potential.
    • Environmental Management: We educate individuals on sustainable practices that can help protect the environment and ensure a healthy future for their communities.
Good Governance

Transparent and accountable governance is essential for sustainable development. We promote:

      • Accountability: We believe development actors should be held accountable for their actions and the use of resources.
      • Transparency: We advocate for open communication and information sharing among development actors and the communities they serve. This helps to build trust and ensure that resources are used effectively.